
Sunday, 28 April 2013

Shows Gratitude Whenever You are !!!

"One Should always shows his gratitude on the spot. Otherwise, it's the most certain that he will forget how to say thanks"

from : A manga "Drifters"

Yes ! It is the most certain things you have to do in order to gain honor & respect. Without showing your gratitude to other's when they help you...The things you only get is critism and bad thoughts.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Bujinkan Dojo Malaysia : Marriage Performance at Hall, Johor Bahru

This is also our Ninjutsu Demonstration at Some place Hall, at Johor Bahru. There, Addirul Aliff over there, the guy who hold a staff.. Hehe Good looking guy ... Hahaha... Just joking don't take it Personal.

The left one is Hafiz, then beside him is Alep, Arami, My Sensei (Azlan Sensei) then Najib, last, before me is Aiman.

Well I do have the Demonstration Video.. Do enjoy Our Video Ok : )


Independence Day (Malaysia) = Hari Kemerdekaan

This is so nostalgic.. I just found a video & the picture when we were performing a demonstration at Taman Merdeka Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
We kindly sorry for the bad quality, well do enjoy our video... :3
This is our Brother & Sister, in One Organization... Respect & Discipline is the Most Important Things

Sunday, 14 April 2013

A Newspaper About Bujinkan Hachimon Dojo, Malaysia

This is article about Our Soke in Malaysia, Sensei James Lee with his Family. Legend will be remembered... He is Awesome!!!

And This is about our Organization !!! Bujinkan Dojo Malaysia, Johor Bahru... This is Sensei Azlan, My Sensei... Our senpai's (Old school) Respect them. I learnt a lot from this Association : )
Enjoy !!!

Go Ninja Go !!!
No Pain No Gain
No Hard work No Out Come 

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Yes!!! here we are when we were small kids, not so small actually around 17 years old I think so. We were performing a Ninjutsu Demonstration for Tengku Mahkota Johor. It's a rough training for us. The Coordinate, coregraph, routine & lastly hardwork.
I enjoy my time very much when performing this demonstration for Tengku Mahkota Johor.
Sensei Azlan always gives his best shot when doing something, and he inject us the power of will to move on.  

This is Our Video Performing a Demo, the quality is bad & hope You guys enjoy it :

Thank You for Watching : )

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Thursday, 4 April 2013

My Second Teaser ^_^)

Hope You Guys Enjoy my Teaser... Sorry for the Noob move... I'm still new... hehe Have fun Guys...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

My First Teaser (Tricking)

Just Having Fun while I Still have my Youth... Live Your life Fully before you get old and Regret what you should do When You are Still Young !!!