
Tuesday, 13 August 2013



The bō is usually made with hard wood, such as red or white oak, although bamboo has been used. The bō may be tapered in that it can be thicker in the center (chukon-bu) than at the ends (kontei) and usually round or circular (maru-bo). Older bō were round (maru-bo), square (kaku-bo), hexagon (rokkaku-bo) or octagon (hakkaku-bo). The average size of a bō is 6 shaku(around 6 ft (1.8 m)) but they can be a long as 9 ft (2.7 m) (kyu-shaku-bō) .

A 6 ft (1.8 m) bō is sometimes called a rokushakubō (六尺棒: ろくしゃくぼう). This name derives from the Japanese words roku (六: ろく), meaning "six"; shaku (尺: しゃく); and bō. The shaku is a Japanese measurement equivalent to 30.3 centimeters (0.994 ft). Thus, rokushakubō refers to a staff about 6-shaku (1.82 m; 5.96 feet) long. The bō is typically 3 cm (1.25 inch) thick, sometimes gradually tapering from the middle (chukon-bu) to 2 cm (0.75 inch)at the end (kontei). This thickness allows the user to make a tight fist around it in order to block and counter an attack.

In some cases for training purposes or for a different style, rattan was used. Some were inlaid or banded with strips of iron or other metals for extra strength. Bō range from heavy to light, from rigid to highly flexible, and from simple pieces of wood picked up from the side of the road to ornately decorated works of art.

Martial Arts Uses:

The Japanese martial art of wielding the bō is bōjutsu. The basis of bō technique is te, or hand, techniques derived from Quanfa and other martial arts that reached Okinawa via trade and Chinese monks. Thrusting, swinging, and striking techniques often resemble empty-hand movements, following the philosophy that the bō is merely an "extension of one’s limbs". Consequently, bōjutsu is often incorporated into other styles of empty hand fighting, such as karate.
The bō is typically gripped in thirds, and when held horizontally in front, the right palm is facing away from the body and the left hand is facing the body, enabling the bō to rotate. The power is generated by the back hand pulling the bō, while the front hand is used for guidance. When striking, the wrist is twisted, as if turning the hand over when punching. Bō technique includes a wide variety of blocks, strikes, sweeps, and entrapments. The bō may even be used to sweep sand into an attacker’s eyes.


The earliest form of the bō, a staff, has been used throughout Asia since the beginning of recorded history. The first bo were called ishibo, and were made of stone. These were hard to make and were often unreliable. These were also extremely heavy. The konsaibo was a very distant variant of the kanabo. They were made from wood studded with iron. These were still too cumbersome for actual combat, so they were later replaced by unmodified hardwood staffs. The bo used for self-defense by monks or commoners, the staff was an integral part of the Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū, one of the martial arts’ oldest surviving styles. The staff evolved into the bō with the foundation of kobudo, a martial art using weapons, which emerged in Okinawa in the early 17th century.

Prior to the 15th century,  Okinawa, a small island located south of Japan, was divided into three kingdoms: Chuzan, Hokuzan, and Nanzan. After much political turmoil, Okinawa was united under the Sho Dynasty in 1429. In 1477, Emperor Sho Shin of the second Sho dynasty came into power. Determined to enforce his philosophical and ethical ideas, while banning feudalism, the emperor instituted a ban on weapons. It became a crime to carry or own weapons such as swords, in an attempt to prevent further turmoil and prevent uprising. In 1609, the temporary peace established by Sho Shin was violently overthrown when the powerful Satsuma Clan invaded Okinawa. Composed of Japanese samurai, the Satsuma Clan took over the island, making Okinawan independence a thing of the past. The Satsuma placed a new weapons ban on the people of Okinawa, leaving them defenseless against the steel of the samurai’s swords. In an attempt to protect themselves from the devastating forces of the Satsuma, the people of Okinawa looked to simple farming implements, which the samurai would not be able to confiscate, as new methods of defense. This use of weapons developed into kobudo, or "ancient martial art," as we know it today.

Although the bō is now used as a weapon, its use is believed by some to have evolved from the long stick (tenbin) which was used to balance buckets or baskets. Typically, one would carry baskets of harvested crops or buckets of water or milk or fish etc., one at each end of the tenbin, that is balanced across the middle of the back at the shoulder blades. In poorer agrarian economies, the tenbin remains a traditional farm work implement. In styles such as Yamanni-ryū or Kenshin-ryū, many of the strikes are the same as those used for yari ("spear") or naginata("glaive"). There are stick fighting techniques native to just about every country on every continent.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Jiraya - Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei

Watch out for Our Soke Masaaki Hatsumi

Like & Share !!!

Friday, 17 May 2013




The sai (釵) is a traditional martial arts weapon. The basic form of the weapon is that of a pointed, prong shaped metal baton, with two curved prongs called yoku projecting from the handle. It is generally used in pairs.[2] There are many types of sai with varying prongs for trapping and blocking.

Part of the SAI:

  • Monouchi, the shaft of the sai, this can be round or faceted.
  • Yoku, the prong like side guards which are usually symmetrical but the manji design developed by Taira Shinken employs oppositely-facingyoku resembling a Buddhist symbol, the reverse swastika (manji) from which it takes its name.
  • Tsume, the tip of the side guard (yoku).
  • Moto, the actual center point between the two side guards (yoku).
  • Tsuka, the handle of the sai. The tsuka can be wrapped with different materials such as cord or ray skin (same) to provide a grip.
  • Tsukagashira, the butt end of the handle (tsuka).
  • Saki, the tip or point of the sai which is usually blunt and not pointed.[3]


Before its arrival in Okinawa, the sai was already being used in other Asian countries including India, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia.[4] The Indonesian form of the sai is called chabang or tjabang, which is used in the Indonesian fighting art known as pentjak-silat.[5][6] Early evidence from Java in the form of art work is said to show that the chabang predates the sai's use in Okinawa and China.[4] The chabang is said to have been developed from the trisula.[7] The word trisula itself can refer to both a long or short-handled trident. Because the trisula was created in South Asia, another theory is that the sai originated in India and spread along with Hinduism and Buddhism. This is supported by the fact that the trisula is important as a Hindu-Buddhist symbol.

In Okinawa the sai was used by domestic police (ufuchiku) to arrest criminals and for crowd control, the use of the sai was perfected in 1668 by Moto Chohei, an Okinawan prince.[8]

The sai eventually reached Japan in the form of the jutte (jitte), which usually has only a single prong although some jutte have two prongs like a sai. Both are truncheon-like weapons, used for striking and bludgeoning.


The sai is typically used in pairs, with one in each hand.[9] Five kata are commonly taught, including two kihon kata. The style includes a variety of blocks, parries, strikes, and captures against attackers from all directions and height levels. Use of the point, knuckle and central bar is emphasized, as well as rapid grip changes for multiple strikes and blocks.

The sai's utility as a weapon is reflected in its distinctive shape. It is primarily used as a striking weapon for short jabs into the solar plexus but it also has many defensive techniques.

There are several different ways of wielding the sai, which give it the versatility to be used both lethally and non-lethally. One way to hold it is by gripping the handle with all of the fingers and pinching the thumb against the joint between the handle bar and the shaft. This allows one to manipulate the sai so that it can be pressed against the forearm and also help avoid getting the thumb caught in the handle when blocking an attack. The change is made by putting pressure on the thumbs and rotating the sai around until it is facing backwards and the index finger is aligned with the handle.

The knuckle end is good for concentrating the force of a punch, while the long shaft can be wielded to thrust at enemies, to serve as a protection for a blow to the forearm, or to stab as one would use a common dagger. In practice, some prefer to keep the index finger extended in alignment with the center shaft regardless of whether the knuckle end or the middle prong is exposed. The finger may be straight or slightly curled. Used in this way, the other fingers are kept on the main shaft, with the thumb supporting the handle.[10]

The grips described above leverage the versatility of this implement as both an offensive and a defensive weapon. Both grips facilitate flipping between the point and the knuckle being exposed while the sai is held in strong grip positions.

Monday, 13 May 2013




Kusari-fundo is a hand held weapon used in feudal Japan consisting of a length of chain (kusari) with a weight (fundo) connected to each end of the chain. Various sizes and shapes of chain and weight were used as there was no set rule on the construction of these weapons. Other popular names are manrikigusari meaning ten thousand power chain[1]or just manriki.[2]


Typically the length of the forged chain could vary from around 12 inches up to 48 inches. The chain could have many different shapes including round, elliptical, and egg shaped. The thickness of the chain also varied. Usually the first link of chain attached to the weight was round and often larger and thicker than the rest of the links of the chain.[3]


The weight attached to each end of the chain could have many different sizes and shapes, the weights were usually exactly matched in size and shape but on some of the related chain and weight weapons the weights could be completely different from each other, with one weight being much longer than the other like a handle on one end or one weight could be round while the other weight could be rectangular. Weight shapes include round, hexagon, rectangle. The weight could be fairly light or quite heavy with the typical weight being from 56.25 grams to 112.5 grams.[4]


The use of the kusari-fundo was taught in several different schools ryū as a hidden or concealed weapon and as a self defense weapon. The kusari-fundo was useful when carrying a sword was not allowed or impractical, samurai police of the Edo period would use a kusari-fundo as one of their non lethal arresting weapons.[5][6]


There are several chain and weight weapons with one type known as a konpi being mentioned in manuscripts as far back as the Nanbokucho period (1336-1392).

The founder of the Masaki ryū Masaki Tarodayu Dannoshin Toshiyoshi (1689-1776) is said to have developed a version of the kusari-fundo[7] while serving Lord Toda as a bloodless weapon that could be used to defend the grounds of Edo castle.[8]




The kusarigama (鎖鎌?, "chain-sickle") is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of a kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) on a metal chain (kusari) with a heavy iron weight (fundo) at the end. The kusarigama is said to have developed during the Muromachi period. [1] The art of handling the kusarigama is called kusarigamajutsu.

Sunday, 12 May 2013




A tantō (短刀?, "short sword")[1][2] is one of the traditionally made Japanese swords[3] (nihonto)[4][5] that were worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan. The tantō dates to the Heian period, when it was mainly used as a weapon but evolved in design over the years to become more ornate. Tantō were used in traditional martial arts (tantojutsu) and saw a resurgence of use in the West in the 1980s as the design made its way to America and is a common blade pattern found in modern tactical knives.


The tantō is commonly referred to as a knife or dagger. The blade is single or double edged with a length between 15 and 30 cm (6-12 inches, in Japanese 1 shaku). The tantō was designed primarily as a stabbing weapon, but the edge can be used for slashing as well. Tantō are generally forged in hira-zukuri style (without ridgeline),[1][6] meaning that their sides have no ridge line and are nearly flat, unlike the shinogi-zukuri structure of a katana. Some tantō have particularly thick cross-sections for armor-piercing duty, and are called yoroi toshi. Tantō were mostly carried by samurai, as commoners did not generally wear them. Women sometimes carried a small tantō called a kaiken[7] in their obiprimarily for self-defense. Tantō were sometimes worn as the shōtō in place of a wakizashi in a daishō,[8][9] especially on the battlefield. Before the advent of the wakizashi/tantō combination, it was common for a samurai to carry a tachi and a tantō as opposed to a katana and a wakizashi.[8]

It has been noted that the tachi would be paired with a tantō and later the uchigatana would be paired with another shorter uchigatana. With the advent of the katana, the wakizashi eventually was chosen by samurai as the short sword over the tantō. Kanzan Satō in his book The Japanese sword notes that there did not seem to be any particular need for the wakizashi and suggests that the wakizashi may have become more popular than the tantō due to the wakizashi being more suited for indoor fighting. He mentions the custom of leaving the katana at the door of a castle or palace when entering while continuing to wear the wakizashi inside.[10]




A shuriken (Japanese 手裏剣; literally: "sword hidden in the hand") is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing. They are sharpened hand-held blades made from a variety of everyday items, such as needles, nails, and knives, as well as coins, washers, and other flat plates of metal. Shuriken is the name given to any small-bladed object, while shaken is traditionally used to indicate the well-known "throwing star".

Shuriken are commonly known in the West as throwing stars or ninja stars though they took many different shapes and designs during the time they were used. The major varieties of shuriken are the bō shuriken (棒手裏剣, stick shuriken) and the hira shuriken (平手裏剣, flat shuriken) or shaken (車剣, also read askurumaken, wheel shuriken).

Shuriken were mainly a supplemental weapon to the more-commonly-used sword or other various weapons in a samurai warrior's arsenal, though they often played a pivotal tactical role in battle.[1] The art of wielding the shuriken is known as shurikenjutsu and was mainly taught as a minor part of the martial arts curriculum of many famous schools, such as Yagyū Shinkage-ryū, Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū, Ittō-ryū, Kukishin-ryū, and Togakure-ryū.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Hattori Hanzo


Also known as Masashige. The son of a certain Hattori Yasunaga, Hanzo, who would earn the nickname 'Devil Hanzo', served Tokugawa Ieyasu loyally and usefully. His nickname - Devil Hanzo - was not only to pay homage to his skills but also to distinguish him from another Tokugawa 'ninja', Watanabe Hanzo. 

Hattori, who fought his first battle at the age of 16, went on to serve at Anegawa (1570) and Mikatagahara (1572), but his most valuable contribution came in 1582, following Oda Nobunaga's death. At that time Tokugawa and his retainers had been staying near Ôsaka and learned of the assassination only just in time to avoid being detained by Akechi Mitsuhide's troops. But they were by no means out of the woods. 

Mikawa was still a long way away, and Akechi men would be combing the roads for them. At this point, Hanzo suggested that they take a route through Iga province, as he had ties with the samurai there. In addition, Ieyasu had sheltered survivors from Nobunaga's bloody invasion of that province in 1580 and those who knew of this would certainly be well disposed to offer assistance. Honda Tadakatsu sent Hanzo on ahead, and, as hoped, the Iga men agreed not only to guide them along back roads, but also to provide them with an escort. 

At length, Tokugawa and his band returned to Mikawa safely. The same could not be said for Anayama Beisetsu, a recent Tokugawa addition who had insisted on taking a different route.

Hanzo was succeded by his son, Masanari, who would be given the title Iwami-no-Kami and whose men would act as the guards of Edo Castle. Hanzo's reputation as a ninja leader who commanded a 200-man strong unit of Iga men has grown to legendary proportions.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Shows Gratitude Whenever You are !!!

"One Should always shows his gratitude on the spot. Otherwise, it's the most certain that he will forget how to say thanks"

from : A manga "Drifters"

Yes ! It is the most certain things you have to do in order to gain honor & respect. Without showing your gratitude to other's when they help you...The things you only get is critism and bad thoughts.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Bujinkan Dojo Malaysia : Marriage Performance at Hall, Johor Bahru

This is also our Ninjutsu Demonstration at Some place Hall, at Johor Bahru. There, Addirul Aliff over there, the guy who hold a staff.. Hehe Good looking guy ... Hahaha... Just joking don't take it Personal.

The left one is Hafiz, then beside him is Alep, Arami, My Sensei (Azlan Sensei) then Najib, last, before me is Aiman.

Well I do have the Demonstration Video.. Do enjoy Our Video Ok : )


Independence Day (Malaysia) = Hari Kemerdekaan

This is so nostalgic.. I just found a video & the picture when we were performing a demonstration at Taman Merdeka Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
We kindly sorry for the bad quality, well do enjoy our video... :3
This is our Brother & Sister, in One Organization... Respect & Discipline is the Most Important Things

Sunday, 14 April 2013

A Newspaper About Bujinkan Hachimon Dojo, Malaysia

This is article about Our Soke in Malaysia, Sensei James Lee with his Family. Legend will be remembered... He is Awesome!!!

And This is about our Organization !!! Bujinkan Dojo Malaysia, Johor Bahru... This is Sensei Azlan, My Sensei... Our senpai's (Old school) Respect them. I learnt a lot from this Association : )
Enjoy !!!

Go Ninja Go !!!
No Pain No Gain
No Hard work No Out Come 

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Yes!!! here we are when we were small kids, not so small actually around 17 years old I think so. We were performing a Ninjutsu Demonstration for Tengku Mahkota Johor. It's a rough training for us. The Coordinate, coregraph, routine & lastly hardwork.
I enjoy my time very much when performing this demonstration for Tengku Mahkota Johor.
Sensei Azlan always gives his best shot when doing something, and he inject us the power of will to move on.  

This is Our Video Performing a Demo, the quality is bad & hope You guys enjoy it :

Thank You for Watching : )

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Thursday, 4 April 2013

My Second Teaser ^_^)

Hope You Guys Enjoy my Teaser... Sorry for the Noob move... I'm still new... hehe Have fun Guys...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

My First Teaser (Tricking)

Just Having Fun while I Still have my Youth... Live Your life Fully before you get old and Regret what you should do When You are Still Young !!!

Monday, 18 March 2013

The Thirty-Six Stratagems is an ancient Chinese treatise composed of six chapters detailing various stratagems for use on the battlefield. The author has been a subject of debate, though it is generally accepted that it is a compilation from different sources, such as Sun Tzu and Zhuge Liang. Though meant for warfare, its teachings have been used and applied by martial artists, politicians, and corporate businessman. As with most Chinese documents, it is written in a proverbial, analogical manner which can be interpreted and applied in a number of ways. Here I have written each stratagem and included a brief explanation to its original meaning and application; the command of armies.

1) Cross the sea under camouflage - Hide the intentions of your army while moving forward.
Besiege Wei to rescue Zhao - Do not face the enemy head on. Rather attack his weakness and force him to move to defend it.

2) Kill with a borrowed sword - Use your allies to your advantage, turn enemy officers to your cause, use the enemy’s strength against him.
Wait in leisure while the enemy labors - Force the enemy to tire himself by coming to you. Allow him to expend himself in futile attacks and then engage the enemy at a time and place of your choosing.

3) Loot a burning home - When the enemy is beset by troubles, turn this to your advantage and attack without mercy.

4) Make a sound in the East, then strike in the West - Mislead the enemy on your intentions and force him to move against you while attacking from another direction.

5) Create something from nothing - Convince the enemy that you have what you do not or are less than what your are.

6) Openly repair the galley roads, but advance to Chencang by a hidden path - Lure the enemy into a false sense of security by moving your force through an obvious route, making your intentions known. All the while, advance another army through hidden means to strike the enemy while he is fixated on your decoy.

7) Watch the fires burning from across the river - When two enemy armies are engaged, do not attack until their fighting has ceased. Wait for them to tire themselves, then strike.

8) Hide a knife behind a smile - Deceive the enemy into believing you are his ally, then move against him in secret.

9) Sacrifice the plum tree for the peach tree - Be willing to make sacrifices in order to preserve and attain objectives.

10) Take the opportunity to pilfer the sheep - Take advantage of any opportunity, no matter how small, and avail yourself of any profit, no matter how slight.

11) Beat the grass to startle the snakes - Make the enemy expose himself and his plans by moving somewhere unexpected or attacking from an unusual position.

12) Borrow a corpse to resurrect a spirit - Use long forgotten or discarded methods and ideologies and apply them to your own purposes.

13)Lure the tiger down from the mountain - Never engage the enemy in their own territory. Lure them to an area where they cannot rely on the strength of their surroundings.

14)In order to capture, one must release - When surrounding the enemy allow an avenue of escape. If the enemy sees no escape he will mount one final desperate attack and you will suffer losses. By releasing an enemy, they will be focused entirely on escaping and will be heavily demoralized and can be induced to surrender.

15) Toss out a brick to draw a jade - Beguile the enemy by making him believe you have something of value when in fact you have nothing. This will present an opportunity to take advantage of his greed and impatience.

16) Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief - When all else fails, attack the enemy commander. By taking him, the chain of command breaks down and the enemy will be in chaos.
Remove the firewood from under the pot - When the enemy is too strong to attack, chip away at his defenses and attack areas which will require him to expend his strength to defend. Little by little, this will weaken the him.

17) Disturb the water to catch a fish - Confuse the enemy and take advantage of his disorganization.

18) Slough off the golden cicada’s shell - Distract the enemy by creating an illusion such as a false army or a heavily fortified camp. With the enemies gaze focused on the deception, one can attack or escape at will.

19) Lock the gates to catch the bandits - When being invaded, cut off the enemies escape to prevent them from returning to their bases and territories. Being trapped in foreign lands is demoralizing to any army and will make them easier to defeat.

20) Befriend from a distance, attack nearby - Become allies with nations or states that do not border and attack those who do. By doing so you can focus on the enemy at hand while ensuring an ally once the enemy state is taken.

21) Obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo - When allied against a common enemy, use as much of your ally’s resources as possible and secure areas within his domain. Once your mutual enemy has been dealt with, turn on your ally using his own means against him.

22) Replace the beams with rotten pillars - Discover the enemy’s main means of support, whether it is a certain commander, a particular formation, or some other means in which their army is centered upon. Once discovered, endeavor to remove their support thereby toppling their command structure.

23) Point at the mulberry tree only to curse the locust - Criticize those who cannot be directly confronted by using other means to get your displeasure across. By doing so, one cannot be directly confronted either and one can make use of dissension it may cause, whether outside one’s own army or within.

24) Feign madness while keeping your balance - Fool the enemy into believing you are insane or incompetent and he will underestimate you. Once he moves to attack, show him your true nature and attack.

25) Remove the ladder when the enemy has ascended to the roof - Guide the enemy onto disadvantageous terrain from which escape will be impossible.
Make flowers bloom on a dead tree - Deceive the enemy by creating artificial areas to appear as places of value. False villages, supply camps, and the like will cause the enemies eyes to wander and lose focus on his true objective.

26) Make the guest into the host - Infiltrate the enemy by means of yourself or another who is in a position of authority. Take measures to secure your role as future leader and then usurp command from the enemy.

27) Scheme with beauties - Use beautiful women to get close to men of rank within the enemy army. Because of their charms, these men will lose focus on their appointed tasks and become open to suggestion by these women. In many cases these women will also cause jealousy among the other men and women of the enemy nation.

28) Plot with an empty fort - When at a disadvantage, convince the enemy that you are stronger than you actually are by using tactics that only a strong, confidant army would use. The enemy will be cautious in their advancement, allowing you the opportunity to plan your next course of action without fear of being overrun.

29) Sow the seeds of discord - With the proper use of spies, one can create discord in an enemy nation by manipulating the various leaders therein, both domestic and military. Double agents are of particular use in this stratagem.

30) Inflict injury on oneself to gain trust - Deceive the enemy into a false sense of security by feigning a tremendous loss. A potential ally can also be swayed to your side by creating the illusion of injury caused by a mutual enemy.

31) The chaining of stratagems - Do not focus on one particular stratagem, but rather employ many and use them continuously in order to achieve your goals. This will keep the enemy guessing at all times.

32) The best stratagem is retreat - When the enemy is winning and there is no hope of victory then it is best to retreat. So long as one is not made to surrender or be compromised in another fashion, the battle can continue after you have regrouped your forces.

- Martin AKA SorrowfulKain

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Train with my Sensei

After training With My Sensei At Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bahru
It's been a while since I train with my Sensei... I think is about 1 year already. Maybe because I'm busy, well I emigrate to Kuala Lumpur due to further study at KLMU. Well I'm proud to be Student of Sensei Azlan :) . I'm apologize due to un activeness in this blog due to certain Reason. And Right now In sya Allah ... I will post as many as I can

Guy's out there please support this blog Okay.. thanks yaw for taking your time read this post.  See Ya !!! (^_^) v