So here‘s how I felt,
Today when I got the black belt!
I realised that there is a way,
to get what you want anytime any day!
The secret & the trick is to first want IT
& then go after it - without any BULL**IT
then know ur strengths & weaknesses & become aware
get connected, get moving and practice your fare!!
Believe it & You can become one of the Gods
You can get the power to conquer all odds
all you need to do is believe...
and like I did - your dreams you will achieve
so from today take a "panga" with life
make your passion your wife
flying, dreaming perceiving right & being free
every obstacle becomes a victory!!
Actually Im still in a state of shock - even though I knew its time for me to get my black belt. Im in shock becuase it came as a surprise even though i was expecting it. I am in shock because I feel I deserve it, but dont know If I am worthy of it

Trust me - the whole concept of a black belt is flim flam - its a joke played on the gullible. The black belt is in your head. Imagine if one could free themselves of the options of a limited goal. The possibilities are limitless once this kind of free thinking is achived.
Today I was given my black belt. But i believe Today is the day I AM accepted as a student. Today is when I will start learning. Till now I was learning how to learn - and now I am ready, perhaps.
The trick is to not want success - or failure. Its to just be and keep doing things. Try to focus on your training, there is no substitute for that. The more time, mind and energy you devote into that - the faster you will see results. 1
Afterall showing up is winning half the battle! SO today - Decide to be present - in your present. Become aware of the moment and Enjoy it. AND JUST SHOW UP!!!
terbaik =)