
Monday, 9 July 2012

Why Do I train?

So here‘s how I felt,
Today when I got the black belt!
I realised that there is a way,
to get what you want anytime any day!

The secret & the trick is to first want IT
& then go after it - without any BULL**IT
then know ur strengths & weaknesses & become aware
get connected, get moving and practice your fare!!

Believe it & You can become one of the Gods
You can get the power to conquer all odds
all you need to do is believe...
and like I did - your dreams you will achieve

so from today take a "panga" with life
make your passion your wife
flying, dreaming perceiving right & being free

every obstacle becomes a victory!!

Actually Im still in a state of shock - even though I knew its time for me to get my black belt. Im in shock becuase it came as a surprise even though i was expecting it. I am in shock because I feel I deserve it, but dont know If I am worthy of it

For all of you spoilt by the commercialization of Martial Arts - Frankly a Black Belt is NO big deal. Its a hoax actually. Whats important is that you understand the unlimited potential inside you and endeavour to discover the keys to unlock that. Its a Hoax that a world plays on our minds to make us think we have reached somewhere. Its a trick seniors play on juniors to make them believe in something and aim at something. It is what most art practicioners use to make you help make them rich!
Trust me - the whole concept of a black belt is flim flam - its a joke played on the gullible. The black belt is in your head. Imagine if one could free themselves of the options of a limited goal. The possibilities are limitless once this kind of free thinking is achived.

Today I was given my black belt. But i believe Today is the day I AM accepted as a student. Today is when I will start learning. Till now I was learning how to learn - and now I am ready, perhaps.

The trick is to not want success - or failure. Its to just be and keep doing things. Try to focus on your training, there is no substitute for that. The more time, mind and energy you devote into that - the faster you will see results. 1
Afterall showing up is winning half the battle! SO today - Decide to be present - in your present. Become aware of the moment and Enjoy it. AND JUST SHOW UP!!!

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